Announcing ‘Bloody Damn Rite’ – the Sequel to ‘The Witch and the Rose’

Book update time! Back in January I published my first (non-graphic) novel, The Witch and the Rose (which you can buy here). I made it pretty clear that it was the first book in a series, and that more books would be coming.
And yeah, it’s time to reveal that next book.
I’m excited to announce Bloody Damn Rite, the sequel to The Witch and the Rose and second book in the Mia Graves series, will come out June 11th on Kindle and paperback. Additionally, you can pre-order the Kindle eBook version of the book right now and it will be available on your devices immediately on June 11th.
So yeah! If you want some queer contemporary fantasy set in, of all places, an Indiana college town… I got two books for you.
There will be more.
(Also, just a reminder that Peregrine Lake is now live too! Go read our awesome webcomic!)