Have You Checked Out Stormwood & Associates Yet?

So I know I haven’t posted much lately, but that’s largely because I’ve been spending a lot of my time producing a new Actual Play roleplaying game podcast Stormwood & Associates for Nerd & Tie.
Long time readers of my blog (the few of you who still exist) will immediately notice that Stormwood & Associates is using the Super Awesome Action Heroes rules I came up with over a decade ago. It’s a modern fantasy campaign, and I’m honestly really excited about it so far. Besides myself, the game features Nick, Gen, and my good friend Kyle Johnson. GM duties kind of rotate among us (though I’m doing a little more often just because my sessions are driving the main story).
We’re putting out new episodes of the show every Friday, and you can (of course) find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or anything that can accept an RSS feed.
Please consider listening, it’s super fun.